ICTAdvisor Are Open Helping You Keep Your Online Business Visible
Back in March 2020 it was said “these are unprecedented times” and without doubt they still are. There are still uncertain times ahead. But, the country has reached a position of lifting some restrictions, and already our customers are gearing up to get back to work. During the latter part of May 2020 we have already received orders for new website builds and a number of requests for redevelopment work on clients current websites. Meetings with clients remain conducted online using either ZOOM or SKYPE, and alternatively we can of course speak to you by telephone. We kept to our word in ensuring our client sites would be maintained in those darkest days during March and April 2020. Now we are geared up for this next phase in delivering support to our customers. Here is what we are doing.....
ICTAdvisor Here to Help You
Most of our clients are Self-Employed. We know from the customer base we look after they all have a passion like us for what they want to do in life. Whether it is delivering products or services we are all proud to provide to others. Most of our client base have not been able to make any money, But as the 1st June 2020 has arrived clients who are engaging with us are working with us via affordable payment arrangements to ensure their websites are optimised and fit for purpose. We are ready therefore to support the micro small medium business owners and deliver an affordable and scalable service to help those business owners get back on their feet.
Keep Your Website Online
Your website should more than ever now has become your primary channel to the outside world. Some clients at the beginning of the pandemic were wanting to shut their website down. But we helped them through by maintaining their online presence. And many now are glad they did keep their websites visible with our help.
Now it is more important than ever as we come through a period of reduced lock down measures that you work hard towards keeping your website running. All the hard work you have done you don't want to lose that. Ensure now you have the right messages on your landing pages that show your are ready to do business again.
Digital Marketing that is Supporting You
ICTADVISOR value and take pride in what we do and enjoy every moment in supporting all our customers past and present. So, as we work towards now coming out of this crisis, we are now busily helping to gear up our clients and get them back in front of the audiences they seek to do business with. Since 1st June 2020 of we have now settled down into a new way of working having spent time during April and May 2020 improving procedures. We have demonstrated to our client base our commitment to them in keeping their most important SUPREME COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL visible to the world.
ICTAdvisor Helping You Maintain Your Digital Presence
As a business, our wide and varied customers across Scotland and the UK have relied on our expertise to support and work with them to keep their website working and meeting with all of Google's Quality Guidelines so as to help grow the website's relations with the search engine. We continue loving the challenge of being involved in the daily weekly monthly tasks, to ensure you have the best SEO listing to potentially win the race over your competitors.
Critical Maintenance of SEO Positioning & Effective Digital Marketing Strategies
As we return to a ‘new normal’, we continue looking after client websites, working at maintaining the performance levels so far achieved for everyone working with us from the roll out of effective SEO, SEM and PPC digital marketing strategies. The Google machinery is still humming, and your business needs to maintain all the valuable work we have already achieved together. ICTADVISOR will keep that critical maintenance and support as our top priority for your business so assist you find the opportunities that will come back to those seeking your brand as restrictions are steadily eased in the coming months.
How ICTAdvisor Will Support You in the Months Ahead
- Reporting Tools
These are crucial to us, as they enable us to support your websites, that help with your decision making. This analysis allows us to understand where best to apply the effort, to get you the results needed so you are in the best position to do business again. - Google Analytics and Search Console
As an ICTADVISOR client, we ensure your Google Analytics and Search Console stats are in place. We ensure you have visibility also via Google My Business and measure those stats too, all of which feed into these incredible advanced data analysis tools we work with.
- Search Engines – ICTADVISOR constantly monitors all the key channels.
Websites can take 3 years+ to develop and establish strong relationships with search engines. There is a rinse and repeat website management prescription we get clients to follow to help them maintain and improve a website's positioning. Depending on what together everyone is prepared to do depends on where you end up being listed. We value our clients business and are always behind you as we want you to be the best in your field, whether you deliver something locally, regionally or nationally. - Continuing to Grow Organic Traffic
Improving your website’s optimisation will improve your visibility in search results and result in more traffic. There are some basic tasks in the short term that can get you some form of visibility. What will be very important for you is to write some GREAT CONTENT about WHAT YOU DO, WHAT YOU HAVE DONE and HOW YOU DO IT.
- Blog
Write 1 BLOG a week, send it to us and we will optimise it and published on the website. This will help to feed Google which thrives on CONTENT FRESHNESS. You can publish your BLOG POST yourself, but the part we play is helping you to optimise that content. Either way, it is best practice for us to come in behind you and cover everything from basic metadata to help build and manage a content strategy. Your blog writing should also support your Link Building strategy. This is all going to assist you when focusing on SEO if that is all you can do at this time. If you are stuck and need help with any of this – CALL US – let’s chat – lets tweak things and tidy up things etc, and get your website indexed and visible. - Google Map & Google My Business Knowledge Graph Panel
GOOGLE MY BUSINESS (GMB) – The Knowledge Graph Panel is a vital Google product to have in place. It immediately draws attention to getting your brand noticed when people search for your brand name – it is a highly effective SEO tactic. It also supports and boosts your Google Map profile and listing online above organic search listings.
Here is one place where you can really showcase your status – especially to those who know your brand already. But the more you use the optimisation tactics of this product, the better it assists also your core website. This is one of the easiest channels to gain some traction and footfall by having a Google My Business listing. It is a highly effective way of getting more from organic search returns – and improves engagement with your clients. What to focus upon is to publish relevant content activity here on a regular basis. If we have a chat together, let us explain how best to use this channel. - Paid Advertising Using Google Ads
As Google partners, with Google Certified Ad Gurus on the team you will experience great working relationships with us. Our aim is to deliver a first-rate service managing Google ads for our clients. If your business is looking to get above your competitors organic search or visible on Google maps works well - but - the fastest way to do get in front of customers, is through a paid ad campaign.
Yes, the cost of acquiring business is a little higher here but for businesses that neglect their online presence, there is little alternative when compared to the need to survive. - Google is on Restricted Staff Levels
Google continues to have some lock down measures in place. So their Ads Support Team are not yet back up to full capacity. So Google continues to run but with restricted staff levels. If we have run your GOOGLE ADS in the past, give us a call. It will be important now to revise your plan for coming out of lock down. - Google Certified Ad Specialist
Ashley Schweigert on the ICTADVISOR team is our lead Google Certified Ads Specialist and our front-line connection over in the USA monitoring the situation with Google on a daily basis.
In Summary – ICTADVISOR is here to support you and your business
As we steadily head out of lock down under the direction of the UK Government, we continue to work hard in supporting you in delivering a duty and care to your website.To us our customer base is like family, we are a community that looks to work together in trust and loyalty, and we ALL want to be ready to say to the UK and the WORLD, we are ready for business.
If you have any questions for on how best to maintain the machinery (Your Website), just hit the REPLY button or call us on the number below. We are ready to have a chat with you and explore your online future.
Stay Safe Let's Look to the Future in being an Online Business