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Finding Your Business in the Google Story

Where is Your Website On Google Today?

Getting ready for another year as a self-employed business owner being online?

The challenges are big if not bigger. For the micro small medium business owner there is still a lot of learning to do in order to take advantage of everything you need to know in making your website be the go to destination. Once the audience arrives does your website pages clearly communicate WHO YOU ARE | WHAT YOU DO | HOW YOU DO IT.

ICTADVISOR reviewed and audited over 100 websites last year to provide business owners with some very detailed feedback that answered their question as to WHY they were NOT BEING FOUND ON GOOGLE!!

Some of those business owners had put all their effort into being found inside social media channels such as Facebook to raise your brand awareness, Twitter to reach out to various groups, Instagram to visually share high resolution pics of products,  and Linkedin to put themselves in front of other business owners to promote what they had to offer.

A lot of the time, for those who had websites they forgot while creating content in their social media channels to generate a backlink in order to drive people over to where it mattered – THEIR OWN WEBSITE!! And yet asking, why is my website not getting any visitors?

There is no getting away from what is the most obvious thing a business owner must do if they want to be in control of their online destiny. It will be what you say and offer on your website that will help with your prospects decision making.

And. don’t forget. The most common sentence said by all those people you are hoping to have visit your site say – I AM JUST GOING TO GO AND GOOGLE THAT! Closely followed by – I BET I CAN WATCH THIS ON YOUTUBE!! – Not – I AM JUST GOING TO FACEBOOK THAT or I WILL JUST SEE IF THAT IS ON INSTAGRAM etc…

If you are to be the GOTO website where you have something to offer, then our prediction is that it will be unlikely that you are going to achieve this task on your own.

Your Website is like a RACING CAR. You will want to win some races, but firstly at the level you are able to enter and be able to compete at.

Don’t think that right away you can compete for keywords that are being used by the BIG BRAND NAMES. Unless of course you adopt ADWORDS early into your strategy. But many small businesses just DABBLE with this product. Simply because they have had no proper training or be better off working with Digital Marketing Professionals who know how this and other Google products work so that they end up with a successful online marketing strategy.

You need to work at having a strategy that will ease you into the market. That strategy will involve TIME | RESOURCE | KNOWLEDGE | BUDGET.

Racing driver Louis Hamilton had another great year in the world of motor-sport. But he didn’t go around that track all alone to achieve what he did. He had a team of people with specialist skills behind him in order to win the race. He could not have done everything by himself.

Last year I saw hundreds of micro and small medium business owners all across Scotland. Some of those I saw was whilst delivering informational workshops on behalf of Business Gateway.

Those micro and SME businesses large and small who came to listen and learn and get help, quickly found out what they didn’t know. Many were trying to run their website single-handed. Many of these business owners without a doubt still have a very long way to go.

Being realistic many are going to need at least 3 years or more to achieve their aims.
All of them are being governed by these 4 factors TIME | RESOURCE | KNOWLEDGE | BUDGET – especially these latter two.

Let us reflect on what Google has allowed you to find during the last 12 months. WATCH THIS VIDEO LINK.

Now, consider how best you will be part of the online story during the next 12 months.

Our advice? Get together a TEAM and get geared up so that you can go out there and WIN THE RACE you need to compete in if your aim is to have your business MAKE MONEY.

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